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  • The French Revolution inspired the Haitian-born revolutionary movements

  • "The Declaration of the Rights of Man."

  • The number of slaves to owners were more than 10 to 1 so it was the right time to act.


  • Slavery was abolished

  • Haiti became an independant country

  • Agriculture was devistated and they no longer had oversea trade

  • Haiti had to make reparations to the french slaveholders (150 million francs) in exchange for the french's recognition of their independence and to become free of french aggression, this left haiti bankrupt.



population increase in France

When land owners from Haiti were bale to make it back to France the population increases which causes a social impact.

land owners

All land owners were forced out of their homes and forced to move away when slaves overthrew the nation.


Slaves were directly impacted because they were now free and no longer owned.


population increase in France

After many land owners moved back to France, that created a larger need for employment, housing, and resources. This effecting the economics of France.

left Haiti with almost nothing

After Haiti became an independant nation they were left with no government, structure, or resources. This impacted them then, and still does today. Haiti is a third world country and the revolution directly impacted their economics.


fight against slavery

The fight against slavery had been around before the Haitian Revolution but they made a great step forward in this. Haiti became the second nation in the western hemisphere to win it's independence from a European power AND it was all slaves.

Gained and lost


  • One of the most obvious gains of the Haitian Revolution was freedom. The slaves gained freedom not only from the owners but also from the French. This slave rebellion was inspiring and takes part in the movements to end slavery and racism.


  • Haiti also gained independence from the French government and became the first black republic in the world, and the second nation in the western hemisphere to gain it's independence from a European power.


  • Before the slaves rebellion Haiti was France's wealthiest overseas colony. This was because of their large production of sugar, coffee, indigo and cotton. After the revolution, they stopped exporting these goods which strongly affected their economy. A loss of the revolution was the exporting and trade of goods from Haiti. 


  • Saint Dominigue, the name of Haiti at that time, was controlled by the French government. Following the revolution, Haiti had no government and no experience of starting a government, let alone a successful one. They lost having a structured government.


The Haitian Revolution impacted the pursuit in ending slavery. Freedom was gained, independence was won, and a global impact against slavery was created.


Before the Haitian Revolution, slaves made up almost 88% of the population.



    • The Haitian Revolution was the most successful slave rebellion​​ in history. 500,000 slaves rebelled against their owners, and in the end, they gained freedom. 

    • By the end of the revolution, over half of the whites were killed. 

    • The French and British forces left the island after lots of defeat. 

    • Through the freedom that the slaves acquired, an independence was won.


    • Haiti became the second nation in the western hemisphere to win its independence form a European power.​

    • Although, winning their independence didn't come free.

    • Haiti was forced to pay a sum of 21 billion dollars to France. This was an official exchange proclaiming that they would be recognized as an independent nation by the international community.

    • When this slave rebellion was able to win freedom and independence, it opened a door that impacted the fight against slavery.


    • The global impact of the Haitian Revolution was the influence that it made in the fight against slavery​

    • This revolution showed how slaves can rise up and they can obtain freedom. 

    • It proved that slaves are taking a stand and standing up for themselves.  It proved that there is a fight against slavery. 

    • The Haitian Revolution was a successful slave rebellion. 

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